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Application Form for the Approval of Lifts that do not Conform to Schedule I, Section 2.2, of the Lifts Regulations, 2016


Applications will not be considered valid unless the application form is duly completed and all correct documents have been submitted with this form. Payment has to be effected within 3 days from the submission of this form for the application to be considered valid. It is recommended that proof of payment of the applicable fees is submitted via the upload section available hereunder, otherwise the application will not be processed until payment is performed.

(This question is mandatory)
Are you a returning user?

A 'returning user' is one who has at least filled in this form once, from the 3rd of August 2020 onwards. If any personal or company details have changed from when you last submitted this form, the you are kindly asked to click 'No'. By clicking 'Yes', you are declaring that you have already provided your personal details in this form, and will therefore be asked for the email address only.

If you are unsure whether you are a returning user or not, you may either click 'No' or else contact the MCCAA for assistance.

(This question is mandatory)
Full name
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
Email address
Please ensure that the email address is correct as it will be used for acknowledgement purposes and also to get in touch with you.
(This question is mandatory)
Contact no.
(This question is mandatory)
Type of building
(This question is mandatory)
Type 1 Building - The Technical Regulations Division may issue a prior derogation upon being satisfied that it is impossible1 to cater for the required refuge space due to the following cases (select all that apply)
1 "impossible" means either physically or legally impossible due to physical or legal constraints. It is not an economic concept; so, it follows that applications based on differential costs between providing free space or refuge beyond the extreme positions and providing another solution or on the basis that the refuge space would decrease the development potential, living space, height, number of floors or value of the building cannot be approved
(This question is mandatory)
Type 2 Building - The Technical Regulations Division may only issue a prior derogation where the requirement of refuge space is impossible to fulfill due to the following exceptional cases (select all that apply)
(This question is mandatory)
Type 3 Building - Cases
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
Year of construction
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
Bulding type
(This question is mandatory)
(This question is mandatory)
Lift type
If 'others' please specify
(This question is mandatory)
Use classification
(This question is mandatory)
Lift installer
(This question is mandatory)
Lift manufacturer
(This question is mandatory)
Proposed installation date
Open the date time chooser
If 'yes' please attach with this form a copy of the purchase contract or notary declaration
Please attach any relevant documents as mentioned in the questions above
Note: Use this section to upload proof of payment as well.
Payment of €50 to be effected within 3 days from submission of application
(This question is mandatory)
Payment method

Bank Account Details

Bank name: Bank of Valletta

IBAN number: MT14VALL22013000000040019986609

Swift code: VALLMTMT

(This question is mandatory)
Content Declaration
(This question is mandatory)
Data Protection Declaration